LILITH A Fantasy Novel By George MacDonald - online book

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2 2                                        LILITH
' How do you know that, if I may be so bold ? ' I rejoined.
' As any one would who had been there to see,' he replied. ' It is a great sight, until you get used to it, when the earth gives a heave, and out comes a beast. You might think it a hairy elephant or a deinotherium— but none of the animals are the same as we have ever had here. I was almost frightened myself the first time I saw the dry-bog-serpent come wallowing out—such a head and mane ! and such eyes !—But the shower is nearly over. It will stop directly after the next thunder­clap. There it is ! '
A flash came with the words, and in about half a minute the thunder. Then the rain ceased.
' Now we should be going!' said the raven, and stepped to the front of the porch.
' Going where ? ' I asked.
' Going where we have to go,' he answered. ' You did not surely think you had got home ? I told you there was no going out and in at pleasure until you were at home ! '
' I do not want to go,' I said.
' That does not make any difference—at least not much,' he answered. ' This is the way ! '
' I am quite content where I am.'
'You think so, but you are not. Come along.'
He hopped from the porch on the grass, and turned, waiting.
'I will not leave the house to-day,' I said with obstinacy.
' You will come into the garden !' rejoined the raven.
'I give in so far,' I replied, and stepped from the porch.
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