LILITH A Fantasy Novel By George MacDonald - online book

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THE LITTLE ONES                          83
'We never do that. We shouldn't like to be counted.'
' Why ?'
' It wouldn't be smooth. We would rather not know.'
' Where do the babies come from first ? '
' From the wood—always. There is no other place they can come from.'
She knew where they came from last, and thought nothing else was to be known about their advent.
' How often do you find one ? '
' Such a happy thing takes all the glad we've got, and we forget the last time. You too are glad to have him—are you not, good giant ? '
I Yes, indeed, I am !' I answered. ' But how do you feed him ? '
'I will show you,' she rejoined, and went away—to return directly with two or three ripe little plums. She put one to the baby's lips.
' He would open his mouth if he were awake,' she said, and took him in her arms.
She squeezed a drop to the surface, and again held the fruit to the baby's lips. Without waking he began at once to suck it, and she went on slowly squeez­ing until nothing but skin and stone were left.
' There !' she cried, in a tone of gentle triumph. ' A big apple it would be with nothing for the babies ! We wouldn't stop in it—would we, darling? We would leave it to the bad giants !'
' But what if you let the stone into the baby's mouth when you were feeding him ? ' I said.
'No mother would do that,' she replied. 'I shouldn't be fit to have a baby!'
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