LILITH A Fantasy Novel By George MacDonald - online book

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I'm—I mean when you are sober? I cannot—at the moment,—Why, what is my name ?—I must have been very drunk when I went to bed! I often am I'
You come so seldom to mine, that I do not know, my lord ; but I may take your word for that! '
I hope so ! '
' —if for nothing else !!
' Hoity toity ! I never told you a lie in my life ! ' You never told me anything but lies/
Upon my honour!—Why, I never saw the woman before! '
I You knew me well enough to lie to, my lord !'
I do seem to begin to dream I have met you before, but, upon my oath, there is nothing to know you by ! Out of your clothes, who is to tell who you may not be ? —One thing I may swear—that I never saw you so much undressed before !—By heaven, I have no recol­lection of you! '
'I am glad to hear it: my recollections of you are the less distasteful!—Good morning, my lord ! '
She turned away, hobbled, clacking, a few paces, and stood again.
' You are just as heartless as—as—any other woman, madam!—Where in this hell of a place shall I find my valet ?—What was the cursed name I used to call the fool ?'
He turned his bare noddle this way and that on its creaking pivot, still holding his knee with both hands.
' I will be your valet for once, my lord,' said the lady, turning once more to him. '—What can I do for you ? It is not easy to tell!'
' Tie my leg on, of course, you fool! Can't you see it is all but off? Heigho, my dancing days !'
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