LILITH A Fantasy Novel By George MacDonald - online book

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A GROTESQUE TRAGEDY                   123
She looked about with her eyeless sockets and found a piece of fibrous grass, with which she proceeded to bind together the adjoining parts that had formed the knee. When she had done, he gave one or two care­fully tentative stamps.
' You used to stamp rather differently, my lord!' she said, as she rose from her knees.
' Eh? what!—Now I look at you again, it seems to me I used to hate you!—Eh ? '
' Naturally, my lord ! You hated a good many people !—your wife, of course, among the rest!'
I Ah, I begin, I be-gin----- But—I must have been
a long time somewhere !—I really forget !—There ! your damned, miserable bit of grass is breaking !—We used to get on pretty well together—eh ? '
' Not that I remember, my lord. The only happy moments I had in your company were scattered over the first week of our marriage.'
'Was that the way of it? Ha! ha!—Well, it's over now, thank goodness !'
'I wish I could believe it! Why were we sitting there in that carriage together? It wakes apprehen­sion !'
' I think we were divorced, my lady !'
' Hardly enough : we are still together ! !
1A sad truth, but capable of remedy : the forest seems of some extent!'
'I doubt! I doubt!'
'1 am sorry I cannot think of a compliment to pay you—without lying, that is. To judge by your figure and complexion you have lived hard since I saw you last! I cannot surely be quite so naked as your lady­ship !—I beg your pardon, madam! I trust you wrill
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