LILITH A Fantasy Novel By George MacDonald - online book

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' Then take the consequences,' she said, and re­sumed her swift-gliding walk.
But as she turned she cast on me a glance, and I stood as if run through with a spear. Her scorn had failed : she would kill me with her beauty !
Despair restored my volition; the spell broke; I ran, and overtook her.
Have pity upon me!' I cried.
She gave no heed. I followed her like a child whose mother pretends to abandon him. ' I will be your slave !' I said, and laid my hand on her arm.
She turned as if a serpent had bit her. I cowered before the blaze of her eyes, but could not avert my own.
' Pity me,' I cried again.
She resumed her walking.
The whole day I followed her. The sun climbed the sky, seemed to pause on its summit, went down the other side. Not a moment did she pause, not a moment did I cease to follow. She never turned her head, never relaxed her pace.
The sun went below, and the night came up. I kept close to her : if I lost sight of her for a moment, it would be for ever!
All day long we had been walking over thick soft grass : abruptly she stopped, and threw herself upon it. There was yet light enough to show that she was utterly weary. I stood behind her, and gazed down on her for a moment.
Did I love her ? I knew she was not good ! Did I hate her ? I could not leave her! I knelt beside her.
' Begone! Do not dare touch me,' she cried.
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