LILITH A Fantasy Novel By George MacDonald - online book

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I sat in silence and shame. What he said was true : I had not been a wise neighbour to the Little Ones !
Mr. Raven resumed:
' You wronged at the same time the stupid creatures themselves. For them slavery would have been pro­gress. To them a few such lessons as you could have given them with a stick from one of their own trees, would have been invaluable.'
 I did not know they were cowards !'
' What difference does that make ? The man who grounds his action on another's cowardice, is essentially a coward himself.—I fear worse will come of it! By this time the Little Ones might have been able to protect themselves from the princess, not to say the giants— they were always fit enough for that; as it was they laughed at them! but now, through your relations with her,-----'
 I hate her ! ' I cried.
 Did you let her know you hated her ? ' Again I was silent.
' Not even to her have you been faithful!—But hush ! we were followed from the fountain, I fear ! '
' No living creature did I see!—except a disreputable-looking cat that bolted into the shrubbery.'
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