LILITH A Fantasy Novel By George MacDonald - online book

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THE PERSIAN CAT                         207
Her hand returned quivering to her side. Her face grew dark. She gave the cry of one from whom hope is vanishing. The cry passed into a howl. She lay writhing on the floor, a leopardess covered with spots.
' The evil thou meditatest,' Adam resumed, ' thou shalt never compass, Lilith, for Good and not Evil is the Universe. The battle between them may last for countless ages, but it must end : how will it fare with thee when Time hath vanished in the dawn of the eternal morn ? Repent, I beseech thee; repent, and be again an angel of God! '
She rose, she stood upright, a woman once more, and said,
'1 will not repent. I will drink the blood of thy child.'
My eyes were fastened on the princess; but when Adam spoke, I turned to him: he stood towering above her; the form of his visage was altered, and his voice was terrible.
' Down ! ' he cried; ' or by the power given me I will melt thy very bones.'
She flung herself on the floor, dwindled and dwindled, and was again a gray cat. Adam caught her up by the skin of her neck, bore her to the closet, and threw her in. He described a strange figure on the threshold, and closing the door, locked it.
Then he returned to my side the old librarian, looking sad and worn, and furtively wiping tears from his eyes.
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