LILITH A Fantasy Novel By George MacDonald - online book

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mistress, notwithstanding my years, refuses me. Inter­cede for me, sir, if you know her, I pray you.'
' Nay, sir,' I replied, ' that I cannot; for she refuses none whom it is lawful for her to receive.'
'How know you this of her? You have never sought death ! you are much too young to desire it!'
' I fear your words may indicate that, were you young again, neither would you desire it.'
Indeed, young sir, I would not! and certain I am that you cannot.'
' I may not be old enough to desire to die, but I am young enough to desire to live indeed! Therefore I go now to learn if she will at length take me in. You wish to die because you do not care to live : she will not open her door to you, for no one can die who does not long to live.'
' It ill becomes your youth to mock a friendless old man. Pray, cease your riddles ! '
i Did not then the Mother tell you something of the same sort ?'
' In truth I believe she did ; but I gave little heed to her excuses.'
 Ah, then, sir,' I rejoined, ' it is but too plain you have not yet learned to die, and I am heartily grieved for you. Such had I too been but for the Lady of Sorrow. I am indeed young, but I have wept many tears; pardon me, therefore, if I presume to offer counsel:—Go to the Lady of Sorrow, and " take with both hands " ' what sh« will give you. Yonder lies her cottage. She is not in it now, but her door stands open, and there is bread and water on her table. Go in; sit down; eat of the bread; drink of the water; and
' William Law.
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