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" TOYS I toys ! Penny Toys ! Toys for girls, and toys for boys! Toys for dots who scarce can crawl, Toys for youngsters stout and tall, Toys for prince and peasant too, Toys, my dears, for all of you! Toys for girls and toys for boys! Toys! toys! Penny Toys!"
That is how the toyman talks, As through London Town he walks; Bawling out his toyman's song, While he slowly moves along, On the pavement with a tray Which is filled, from day to day, With new toys to catch the eye Of the youthful passer-by.
Sometimes it's a great big spider, Like that Miss Muffet had beside her; Sometimes it's a bat that flies, Or a baby doll that cries; Sometimes it's a frog that leaps, Or a crocodile that creeps: But whatever toy is shown, For a penny it's your own.