Mother Goose Melodies

Children's Songs & Nursery Rhymes
James Miller Version, Circa 1869

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MOTHER GOOSE'S MELODIES.                            51
T HERE was an old woman, She lived in a shoe, She had so many children She didn't know what to do; She gave them some broth
^Without any bread, She whipped them all
I' thei
to bed
And put t
H ICKETT, pickety, My black hen, She lays eggs For gentlemen; Gentlemen come Every day To see what my Black hen doth lay.
H IGH diddle doubt, my candle's out, And my little dame's not come : So saddle my hog, and bridle my dog, And fetch my little dame home.
T HERE was a little one-eyed gunner, Killed all the birds that died last sum­mer.