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THERE was a little man, and he had a little gun,
And his bullets they were made of lead, lead, lead, He Went unto the brook, and shot a little duck,
And he hit her right through the head, head, head. Then he went home unto his wife Joan,
And bid her a good fire make, make, make; For to roast the little duck he had shot at the brook,
And he'd go and fetch home the drake, drake, drake,
A DILLER, a dollar,
A ten o'clock scholar,
What makes you come so soon ?
You used to come at ten o'clock,
But now you come at noon.
BARBER, barber, shave a pig, How many hairs will make a wig ? Pour-and-twenty; that's enough. Give the poor barber a pinch of snuff
TOMMY kept a chandler's shop, Richard went to buy a mop, Tommy gave him such a knock, That sent him out of his chandler's shop. |