Fifty Full-Page Silhouette Illustrations, by J. F. GOODRIDGE.
4to. Cloth, 75 cents; Boards, 50 cents. |
"There have been many hundred editions of Mother Goose's Melodies since that ancient lady first gave them to the world from her home in Boston, nearly a century ago, but there has been none so beautiful, and, at the same time, so indescribably funny, as the one with the silhouette illustrations, just published by Lee &. Shepard." — Boston Stoday Herald. |
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There is fun in the pictures which the grown folks will appreciate as well as the youngsters. — Boston Journal.
As curious as it is comical, and it will give the children lots of real joy. The funniest edition ever published.—Somerville Journal.
This is by far the most humorous edition of " Mother Gooose" we have ever seen/— Cottage and Hearth. |
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