Mother Goose

Children's Book of Songs & Nursery Rhymes, c1850

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An edition of the real, original, and uncorrupted melodies of Mother Goose has long been desired by the lovers of ancient poetry. Being myself a lineal descendant of that venerable person, and having in my possession all her original manuscripts with her latest corrections, I was fortunately able to supply this want in a manner which shall leave nothing further to be desired. The present edition, therefore, which I have edited with great care and immense labour, may hence­forward be considered the standard edition—the family edition, setting at nought all editions of outside person­ages who have no connexion with the Goose Family.
The embellishments are from the sketches of an artist who was a contemporary of Mother Goose, and they were presented to her by him shortly before her lamented death. I found them in a portfolio in the drawer of a very ancient black walnut bureau, preserved in the family as a relic. Of course they have never before been published.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, by Geo. S. Appleton, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.