At the Back of the North Wind Illustrated - online book

A Complete Illustrated children's fantasy book by George MacDonald.

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The Hay-Loft                     15
"The law would have some trouble to catch me!" it said.
"But if it's not right, you know," said Diamond "that's no matter. You shouldn't do it."
" I am so tall I am above that law," said the voice.
" You .must have a tall house, then," said Dia­mond.
"Yes; a tall house: the clouds are inside it."
11 Dear me!" said Diamond, and thought a minute.             " I
think, then, you can hardly expect me to keep a win­dow in my bed for you. Why don't you make a window into Mr. Dyves's bed?"
"Nobody makes a window into an ash-pit," :;aid the voice, rather sadly. " I like to see nice things out of my windows."
"But he must have a nicer bed than I have, though mine is very nice—so nice that I couldn't wish a better."
" It's not the bed I care about: it's what is in it.—But you just open that window."
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