At the Back of the North Wind Illustrated - online book

A Complete Illustrated children's fantasy book by George MacDonald.

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18 At the Back of the North Wind
sounded somewhere beside him, but Diamond kept his head under the clothes.
"Im not Mr. North Wind," said the voice.
"You told me that you were the North Wind," insisted Diamond.
»• I did not say Mister North Wind," said the voice.
"Well, then, I do; for mother tells me I ought to be polite."
"Then let me tell you I don't think it at all polite of you to say Mister to me."
" Well, I didn't know better. I'm very sorry."
"But you ought to know better."
" 1 don't know that."
" I do. You can't say it's polite to lie there talking— with your head under the bed-clothes, and never look up to see what kind of person you are talking to.—I want you to come out with me."
" I want to go to sleep," said Diamond, very nearly crying, for he did not like to be scolded, even when he deserved it.
" You shall sleep all the better to-morrow night."
"Besides," said Diamond, "you are out in Mr. Dyves's garden, and I can't get there. I can only get into our own yard."
" Will you take your head out of the bed-clothes?" said the voice, just a little angrily.
"No!" answered Diamond, half peevish, half frightened.
The instant he said the word, a tremendous blast of wind crashed in a board of the wall, and swept the
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