At the Back of the North Wind Illustrated - online book

A Complete Illustrated children's fantasy book by George MacDonald.

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The Lawn                       31
fire in Miss Coleman's bed-room had gone out, and her mother had told her to brush her hair by the
drawing" - room fire—a disorder­ly proceeding which a mother's wish could justi­fy. The young lady was very lovely, though not nearly so beautiful as North Wind; and her hair was ex­tremely long, for it came down to her knees— though that was nothing at all to North Wind's
hair. Yet when
she looked round, with her hair all about her, as Diamond entered, he thought for one moment that it was North Wind, and, pulling his hand from Mrs. Crump's, he stretched out his arms and ran towards Miss Coleman. She was so pleased that she threw down her brush, and almost knelt on the floor to re­ceive him in her arms. He saw the next moment that she was not Lady North Wind, but she looked so like her he could not help running into her arms and burst­ing into tears afresh. Mrs. Crump said the poor child
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