At the Back of the North Wind Illustrated - online book

A Complete Illustrated children's fantasy book by George MacDonald.

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The Summer-House               71
"I daresay not. And therefore you will say you don't believe it could."
" No, no, dear North Wind. I know you too well not to believe you."
" Well, I blew in his face, and that woke him up."
" But what was the good of it?"
"Why! don't you see? Look at him—how he is pulling. I blew the mist out of him."
"How was that?"
"That is just what I cannot tell you."
" But you did it."
"Yes. I have to do ten thousand things without being able to tell how."
" I don't like that," said Diamond.
He was staring after the boat. Hearing no answer, he looked down to the wall.
North Wind was gone. Away across the river went a long ripple—what sailors call a cat's paw. The man in the boat was putting up a sail. The moon was coming to herself on the edge of a great cloud, and the sail began to shine white. Diamond rubbed his eyes, and wondered what it was all about. Things seemed going on around him, and all to understand each other; but he could make nothing of it. So he put his hands in his pockets, and went in to have his tea. The night was very hot, for the wind had fallen again.
"You don't seem very well to-night, Diamond," said his mother.
"I am quite well, mother," returned Diamond, who was only puzzled.
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