At the Back of the North Wind Illustrated - online book

A Complete Illustrated children's fantasy book by George MacDonald.

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At the Back of the North Wind
second-hand furniture, which shut out almost all the light. And the smell in the place was dreadful. Dia­mond stood still for a while, for he could see next to nothing, but he heard the moaning plainly enough now. When he got used to the darkness, he dis­covered his friend lying with closed eyes and a white suffering face on a heap of little better than rags in a corner of the den. He went up to her and spoke; but she made him no answer. Indeed, she was not in the least aware of his presence, and Diamond saw that he could do nothing for her without help. So taking a lump of barley-sugar from his pocket, which he had bought for her as he came along, and laying it be­side her, he left the place, having already made up his mind to go and see the tall gentleman, Mr. Ray­mond, and ask him to do something for Sal's Nanny, as the girl was called.
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