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Little Daylight 277
he awoke he was amazed to find how well and strong he felt. She would not take any of the money he offered, but begged him, if he found occasion of continuing in the neighbourhood, to return and occupy the same quarters.
" Thank you much, good mother," answered the prince; " but there is little chance of that. The sooner I get out of this wood the better."
" I don't know that," said the fairy.
" What do you mean?" asked the prince.
" Why how should I know?" returned she.
" I can't tell," said the prince.
" Very well," said the fairy.
" How strangely you talk!" said the prince.
"Do I?" said the fairy.
"Yes, you do," said the prince.
" Very well," said the fairy.
The prince was not used to be spoken to in this fashion, so he felt a little angry, and turned and walked away. But this did not offend the fairy. She stood at the door of her little house looking after him till the trees hid him quite. Then she said "At last!" and went in.
The prince wandered and wandered, and got nowhere. The sun sank and sank and went out of sight, and he seemed no nearer the end of the wood than ever. He sat down on a fallen tree, ate a bit of bread the old woman had given him, and waited for the moon; for, although he was not much of an astronomer, he knew the moon would rise some time, because she had risen the night before. Up she came, slow and slow, but |