At the Back of the North Wind Illustrated - online book

A Complete Illustrated children's fantasy book by George MacDonald.

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The North Wind Doth Blow
ference than her size warranted, but Nanny was no end of help, and Diamond was as much of a sun­beam as ever, and began to sing to the new baby the first moment he got her in his arms. But he did not sing the same songs to her that he had sung to his brother; for, he said, she was a new baby and must have new songs; and be­sides, she was a sister-baby and not a brother-baby, and of course would not like the same kind of songs. Where the dif­ference in his songs lay, how­ever, I do not pretend to be able to point out. One thing
I am sure of, that they not only had no small share in the education of the little girl, but helped the whole family a great deal more than they were aware.
How they managed to get through the long dreary expensive winter, I can hardly say. Sometimes things were better, sometimes worse. But at last the spring came, and the winter was over and gone, and that
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