At the Back of the North Wind Illustrated - online book

A Complete Illustrated children's fantasy book by George MacDonald.

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344 At the Back of the North Wind
" You silly darling!" said his mother; "how could I but laugh at the notion of that great fat Ruby going side by side with our poor old Diamond?"
"But why not, mother? With a month's oats, and nothing to do, Diamond'll be nearer Ruby's size than you will father's. I think it's very good for different sorts to go together. Now Ruby will have a chance of teaching Diamond better manners."
" How dare you say such a thing, Diamond?" said his father, angrily. " To compare the two for manners, there's no comparison possible. Our Diamond's a gen­tleman."
"I don't mean to say he isn't, father; for I dare­say some gentlemen judge their neighbours unjustly. That's all I mean. Diamond shouldn't have thought such bad things of Ruby. He didn't try to make the best of him."
" How do you know that, pray?"
" I heard them talking about it one night."
" Who?"
" Why, Diamond and Ruby. Ruby's an angel."
Joseph stared and said no more. For all his new gladness, he was very gloomy as he re-harnessed the angel, for he thought his darling Diamond was going out of his mind.
He could not help thinking rather differently, how­ever, when he found the change that had come over Ruby. Considering his fat, he exerted himself amaz­ingly, and got over the ground with incredible speed. So willing, even anxious, was he to go now, that Joseph had to hold him quite tight.
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