An Illustrated history & description Of Schools in the 18th & 19th Centurys.

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x                          List of Illustrations
Page A Page showing the Method of Teaching in the Visible
World. Owned by Mr. George A. Plimpton . . 19 Portion of the Title-page of a popular Text-book first pub­lished in 1596. Owned by Mr. George A. Plimpton 20 Frontispiece to a Speller entitled A Rational Way of Teach­ing, 1688. Owned by Mr. George A. Plimpton . 21 The School Dame ..... facing 24
A Typical Horn-book. . . . . . .26
Revolving Alphabet. Owned by Mr. Albert C. Bates,
Hartford, Conn.            . . . . . .27
A Salem Schoolhouse with Whipping-post in the near Street.
From a drawing in the Essex Institute, made about 1770 30 Facsimile of Washington's Schoolboy Handwriting. From
a manuscript in the National Archives . . .34 One of the Log Schoolhouses still to be found in the South . 3 5 Inkstand, Sandbox, and Bunch of Uncut Quills. Owned by
the Museum at Deerfield, Mass. . . .                 37
A Homemade Copy Book with a Wall-paper Cover. Owned
by the Essex Institute . . . . .                 39
A Colonial Schoolmaster. From Judd's Margaret facing 41 Part of the Title-page of an Early Religious School-book.
Owned by Mr. George A. Plimpton ... 45 Noah's Ark as depicted in The History of Genesis, Owned
by Mr. George A. Plimpton ..... 46 Title-page of The Child's Weeks-work. Owned by Mr.
George A. Plimpton . . . . . .47
A Tree of Knowledge Frontispiece. From The London
Spelling-Booky 1710. Owned by Mr. George A.
Plimpton ........ 48
An Illustrated Alphabet in The London Spelling-Book.
Owned by Mr. George A. Plimpton ... 49 The Fisherman with "a bird in the hand." From Dil-
worth's A New Guide to the English Tongue. Henry
Barnard Collection ...... 50
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