An Illustrated history & description Of Schools in the 18th & 19th Centurys.

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xii                        List of Illustrations
A Characteristic Binding. Showing the oak sides with por­tions of the blue paper which was pasted over the wood still adhering. Owned by Mr. F. H. Coolbroth, Springfield, Mass. . . . . . • 73
Frontispiece to a Brookfield, Mass., Edition of 1828. Pub­lished by the firm which later became famous as the publishers of Webster's Dictionary. Owned by Mr. F. H. Coolbroth......74
A Title-page. From the Henry Barnard Collection . . 75
The First Spelling. From a primer owned by Mr. F. H.
Coolbroth ........ 76
Picture Alphabet of Religious Jingles . . . 78,79
An Alphabet including both Religious and Secular Jingles. From a primer printed in Boston about 1800. Owned by Mr. Albert C. Bates . . . . 80,81
The Rogers Page. From the Webster Edition of 1843 . 83
A Rude Primer Cut purporting to show John Rogers being burned at the Stake. From an edition of 1799, owned by Mr. Albert C. Bates.....84
The Butterfly arid Crocodile. From an edition of about
1785 owned by Mr. Albert C. Bates . . .86
The Nightingale and Cuckow. From an edition of about
1785, owned by Mr. Albert C. Bates ... 87
One of Several Similar Pages of Illustrated Rhymes and Comments, in The Royal Primer t Worcester, Mass., 1787. Henry Barnard Collection . . . .88
The Rewards of Virtue. From a copy of The Royal Primer
in the Henry Barnard Collection .... 90
Illustration to "The Hufbandman's Prayer" in a New England Primer of about 1785. Owned by Mr. Albert C. Bates ....... 90
Poem from a Charlestown, Mass., Edition of 1802, in the
Henry Barnard Collection . . . .                   91
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