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Colonial Schools of the Eighteenth Century 55
nor fo good as Stone. A Carpenter faid, that Stone might do pretty well; but, in his Opinion, good ftrong Oak was much better.
A currier being prefent, faid, Gentlemen, you may do as you pleafe; but to have the Town well fortified and fecure, take my Word, there is nothing like Leather.
![]() Then here is one of the " pleafant Stones " : —
HERE were feveral Boys that ufed to go into the Water, inftead of being at fchool; and they fome-times ftaid fo long that they ufed to frighten their Parents very much; and though they were told of it Time after Time, yet they would frequently go to wafh themfelves. One Day four of them, Smithy Brown, "Jones and Robinfon, took it into their Heads to play Truant, and go into the Water. They had not been in long before Smith was drowned: Brown s Father followed him, and lafhed him heartily while he was naked; and Jones and Robinfon ran Home half dreffed, which plainly told where they had been. However, they were both fent to Bed without any Supper, and told very plainly, that they fhould be well corrected at School next Day.
By this time the News of Smith's being drowned, had reached their Mafter's Ear, and he came to know the Truth of it and found Smith's Father and Mother in Tears, for the Lofs of him ; to whom he gave very good Advice, took his friendly Leave, and went to fee what was become of Brown, Jones and Robinfon, who all hung down their Heads upon feeing their Mafter; but more fo, when |