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Colonial Schools of the Eighteenth Century 57
drowned as well as Smith. — Take him up fays the Mafter. — So he was taken up and well whipt.
Well, fays he to Jones, can you fwim ? — A little, Sir, faid he. — A little ! why you were in more danger than Brown, and might have been drowned had you ventured much farther. — Take him up, fays he.
Now Robin/on could fwim very well, and thought as Brown and Jones were whipt becaufe they could not fwim, that he would efcape. — Well, Robin/on, fays the Mafter, can you fwim ? — Yes, Sir, fays he, (very boldly) any where over the River. — Pray, Sir, fays his Mafter, what Bufi-nefs had you in the Water, when you fhould have been at School ? — Take him up, fays he ; fo they were all feverely corrected for their Difobedience and Folly.
Virtuous Tommy gives Naughty Harry some Good Advice. From Fenning's The Universal Spelling Book,
The next story is a most vivid contrast of good and evil as personified by virtuous Tommy and
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