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158 Old-time Schools and School-books
To Ellen
Many, many a voice will greet me, In a low and gentle tone But its music will not cheer me Like the cadence of thine own.
A Friend
The boys once in a while made similar declarations, but these were usually in prose, and evidently were not intended so seriously as those the girls produced. Very likely the lad to whom the endearments were addressed would append joking comments. Here are specimens of masculine handiwork : —
You give your heart
to me and I will give
mine to you we will lock them
up together and throw away the key
No Sir ee Oh ves
I shall always think of you as a dear friend
S. Gray
All right Gray; only don't tell any one else about it
A school-book in my possession that is dated 1832 has pencilled inside the front cover these lines : —
Puzzle writen over the commandments