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Fly-leaf Scribblings                       165
have seen with printed sides is dated 1818, but within the next decade cover printing became com­mon. It soon was customary to print on the back cover a list of books issued by the publisher. At first, however, the publisher, if he was also a book­seller and stationer, as he was pretty sure to be, used this space for advertising like the following : —
For Sale.
Bibles, Testaments, Spelling Books, Readers and Geog­raphies, Atlases, Primers, Writing- paper, Inkstands, Ink-Powder, Slates, Pencils, Quills, Pen-knives, Wafers, Psalm Books, Writing Books, on the covers of which is printed a System of Writing.
There is a similar suggestion of primitiveness and rusticity in the way the publishers sometimes made known their location. Thus, at the foot of the title-page of The American Grammar by Robert Ross, 1782, we find, "Hartford, Printed by Nathaniel Patten a few Rods North of the Court-Houfe"; and on a New England Primer title-page of 1770, " Bofton, Printed and Sold by William M'Alpine,
A Title-page Imprint. From Dwight's A Short but Comprehensive System of the Geography of the World-
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