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Other Spellers 195
Today with pleafure chriftians meet,
To pray, and hear thy word; And I will go with cheerful feet
To learn thy will, O Lord. |
I'll leave my fport and read and pray, And fo prepare for heaven;
O may I love this blessed day, The beft of all the feven. |
For the Lord's Day Morning*
From Alexander's Spelling Book.
The Columbian Spelling Book, Wrentham, Massachusetts, 1799, was similar to Alexander's in size, but was more roughly made, and the cuts were marvels of crudity. Two of these queer engravings are here given with the fables they illustrated.
The Dove and the'Bee.
POOR Bee came to a brook to drink, but in her hafte fhe fell in, and would have loft her life, had it not been for a dove, who broke off a fmall twig from a |