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252 Old-time Schools and School-books
The zebra picture is accompanied by the statement that " His appearance is very beautiful, and he is esteemed one of the handsomest of quadrupeds." |
From The Progressive Reader. From The Progressive Reader.
Of the squirrel we are told " Its tail constitutes its greatest singularity, as well as its principal ornament. It is also not less useful than ornamental; for being sufficiently large and bushy to cover the whole body, it serves as an excellent defence against the inclemencies of the weather. It also greatly assists it in clinging and adhering to trees."
The most ambitious poem in the book is the one reprinted in part below : —
Columbus was a sailor brave, The first that crossed th' Atlantic wave. In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, He came far o'er the ocean blue, Where ne'er a ship had sailed before, And found a wild and savage shore, Where naked men in forests prowled, And bears and panthers roamed and howled. |