An Illustrated history & description Of Schools in the 18th & 19th Centurys.

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274 Old-time Schools and School-books
notice of her. She appeared to be about fifteen years old, and handfome, but pinching want had given her beauty a fickly caft, and the horrors of dispair were feen in the languid fmile which fhe put
The Benevolent Churchill. From The Little Reader's Assistant.
on while fhe fpoke." Churchill gave her a piece of money whereat " fhe fell upon her knees in the ftreet, and raifing her eyes and hands to heaven, fhe remained in that pofture for fome time, unable to exprefs the gratitude that filled her heart." She told her benefactor a sad tale of distress, and he learned she had parents dependent on her. So he went with her to her home garret and there the rest of the family were soon on their knees around the \ poet, and he " gave them ten guineas."
The final picture is of a queer-looking beast that one would hardly recognize if it were not labelled. The text says : —
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