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290 Old-time Schools and School-books
and set off" by a transparent complexion ; her eyes, dark and intelligent, were shaded by loose ringlets of a raven black, and poured their supplicating beams through the silken shade of very long lashes.
On one arm hung a basket full of roses, and the other was stretched out towards me with one of the rose buds. I put my hand into my pocket and drew out some silver — u take this, my pretty girl," said I.
The narrator added some kindly and highly moral remarks for her benefit, and she caught his hand and
burst into a flood of tears. The actions and the look touched my soul; it melted, and a drop of sympathy fell from my cheek.
" Forgive me, Sir," said she, while a blush diffused itself over her lovely face. " You will pardon me when I tell you they were the first kind words I have heard since I lost all that was dear to me on earth."
" Can I leave this poor creature ? " said I, pensively. " Shall I quit thee, fair flower, to be blown down by the rude blast of adversitv ! to droop thy lovely head beneath the blight of early sorrow ! No ! thou hast once bloomed beneath the cheerful sun of domestic content, and under it thou shalt bloom again."
My heart beat with its sweet purpose, and the words of triumphant virtue burst from my lips. " Come, thou lovely deserted girl ! come and add one more to the happy group who call me father ! thou shalt be taught with them that virtue which their father tries to practice."
Her eyes flashed with frantic joy ; she flung herself on her knees before me. I raised her in my arms; I hushed her eloquent gratitude, and led her to a home of happiness j and piety ; and the poor orphan of the Hay-market is now the partner of my son !
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