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Arithmetic 305
and the remainder will be the Gregorian Epact; if nothing remain, the Epact is 29.
In the tables of weights and measures are Wine Measure and Ale or Beer Measure in good and regular standing among the rest. These were generally included in all the early school arithmetics. Cloth Measure, as Pike gives it, consists chiefly of Nails, and Ells Flemish, Ells English, and Ells French; Long Measure starts with "3 Barleycorns make 1 inch ;' and in Dry Measure we find " 1 Quarts make 1 Pottle, 2 Bufhels make 1 Strike, 1 Strikes make 1 Coom, 1 Cooms make 1 Quarter, 4 Quarters make 1 Chaldron, 5 Quarters make 1 Wey, 1 Weys make 1 Laft." The following paragraph shows the interesting manner in which the author expressed himself when he had a problem to propound:—
![]() A small book much used in the old schools was An Introduction to Arithmetic, by Erastus Root, Norwich, Connecticut, 1796. Queerly enough, it omits fractions, " not becaufe I think them ufelefs," the author explains in his preface, " but becaufe they are not abfolutely neceffary." He gives unusual space |