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326 Old-time Schools and School-books
to the roots and limbs of trees, which have fallen or run into the water, and there perifh. A mortification begins at the tail, and proceeds upwards to the vital part. Fifh of this kind have been found at Plymouth, in New Hamp-fhire, in different ftages of purification.
When the general characteristics of the United States have been dealt with, New England is taken up, and we are informed that in this portion of the republic —
Learning is more generally diffufed than in any other part of the globe; arifing from the excellent eftablifhment of fchools in almoft every townfhip and fmaller diftrict.
A very valuable fource of information to the people is the Newfpapers, of which not lefs than thirty thoufand are printed every week, in New England.
Apples are common, and cider conftitutes the principal drink of the inhabitants.
Each state is described in detail, including such topics as " Religion, Military Strength, Literature, Curiofities, Conftitution, and Hiftory." Bridges are constantly referred to —even those over the smaller rivers. We learn, for instance, that across the Pis-cataqua in New Hampshire a few miles above Portsmouth " has been erected the moft refpectable bridge in the United States, 2600 feet in length," at a cost of nearly seventy thousand dollars. In Massachusetts ten bridges are listed that " merit notice," and, it is added, " Thefe bridges are all fupported by a toll."
Harvard University, the book says, " confifts of four elegant edifices," and we are told that "In Wil- |