An Illustrated history & description Of Schools in the 18th & 19th Centurys.

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T HE old-time geographies until nearly the middle of the last century were never larger than 12 mos and some of them were dimin­utive 32 mos. Up to 1820 they were as a rule bound in full leather, but occasionally the wood or binder's board of the sides was covered with dull blue or marbled paper. Buff-tinted papers with the title and more or less other printing on them were substituted on nearly all the later books. Il­lustrations also began to be used, at first sparingly, but soon very generously; and instead of being designed for the older pupils the books were made with special reference to the needs of the younger children.
For a score of years after geographies began to be introduced into the schools they depended largely on the use of a globe to make clear the divisions of the earth. It was not long, however, before nearly every book was accompanied by an atlas, and this continued customary to about 1850. Not many of these atlases have survived. They were flimsily made, with paper covers, and the wear and tear of daily use made an end of them. The usual size was either about six by nine inches or nine by eleven z                                                 337
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