A fantasy novel by George MacDonald

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A FAERIE ROMANCE.                       87
the children say is the very house of the ogre that Hop-o'-my-Thumb visited, and ate his little daughters with the crowns of gold."
"Oh, father! ate his little daughters! No; he only changed their gold crowns for nightcaps; and the great long-toothed ogre killed them in mistake; but I do not think even he ate them, for you know they were his own little ogresses."
" Well, well, child; you know all about it a great deal better than I do. However, the house has, of course, in such a foolish neighbourhood as this, a bad enough name; and I must confess there is a woman living in it, with teeth long enough and white enough too for the lineal descendant of the greatest ogre that ever was made. I think you had better not go near her."
In such talk as this the night wore on. When supper was finished, which lasted some time, my hostess conducted me to my chamber.
" If you had not had enough of it already," she said, "I would have put you in another room, which looks towards the forest; and where you would most likely have seen something more of its inhabitants. For they frequently pass the window, and even enter the room sometimes. Strange crea-
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