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Anfangs vollt 'ich fast verzagen, Und ich glaubt' ich triig' es nie,
Und ich hab1 es doch getragen,— Aber fragt mich nur nicht: wie?
First, I thought, almost despairing, This must crush my spirit now;
Yet I bore it, and am bearing— Only do not ask me how.
When the daylight came, it brought the possibility of action, but with it little of consolation. With the first visible increase of light, I gazed into the chasm, but could not, for more than an hour, see sufficiently well to discover its nature. At last I saw it was almost a perpendicular opening, like a roughly excavated well, only very large. I could perceive no bottom; and it was not till the sun actually rose, that I discovered a sort of natural staircase, in many parts little more than suggested, |