A fantasy novel by George MacDonald

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230                               PHANTASTES:
" I thought thou wert good ; but I said, and wept: " ' Can I have dreamed who have not slept ?
" And I knew, alas ! or ever 1 would, " Whether I dreamed, or thou wert good.
" When my baby died, my brain grew wild. " I awoke, and found I was with my child."
" If thou art the ghost of my Adelaide, "How is it ? Thou wert but a village maid,
" And thou seemest an angel lady white, " Though thin, and wan, and past delight."
The lady smiled a flickering smile,
And she pressed her temples hard the while :
"Thou seest that Death for a woman can "Do more than knighthood for a man."
"But show me the child thou callest mine.
" Is she out to-night in the ghost's sunshine ? "
" In St. Peter's Church she is playing on, " At hide-and-seek, with Apostle John.
" When the moonbeams right through the window go, " Where the twelve are standing in glorious show,
" She says the rest of them do not stir, " But one comes down to play .with her.
" Then I can go where I list, and weep, " For good St. John my child will keep."
" Thy beauty filleth the very air. " Never saw I a woman so fair."
" Come, if thou darest, and sit by my side ; " But do not touch me, or woe will betide.
" Alas I am weak : I well might know
" This gladness betokens some further woe.
" Yet come. It will come. I will bear it. I can. "For thou lovest me yet—though but as a man."
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