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understand. The words which I heard him sing
were like these:—
Heart be stout,
And eye be true; Good blade out!
And ill shall rue.
Courage, horse !
Thou lackst no skill; Well thy force
Hath matched my will.
For the foe,
With fiery breath, At a blow,
Is still in death.
Gently, horse !
Tread fearlessly; 'Tis his corse
That burdens thee.
The sun's eye
Is fierce at noon ; Thou and I
Will rest full soon.
And new strength
New work will meet; Till, at length,
Long rest is sweet.
And now horse and rider had arrived near enough for me to see, fastened by the long neck to the hinder part of the saddle, and trailing its hideous length on the ground behind, the body of a great |