A Children's Fantasy Book By George MacDonald - illustrated version.

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COUNTER-PLOTTING.                         159
next instant she stepped to meet her. Lina dropped flat on the floor, and covered her face with her two big paws. It went to the heart of the princess: in a moment she was on her knees beside her, stroking her ugly head, and patting her all over.
" Good dog ! Dear ugly dog !" she said
Lina whimpered.
" I believe," said Curdie, " from what your grand­mother told me, that Lina is a woman, and that she was naughty, but is now growing good."
Lina had lifted her head while Irene was caressing her; now she dropped it again between her paws; but the princess took it in her hands, and kissed the forehead betwixt the gold-green eyes.
" Shall I take her with me or leave her ?" asked Curdie.
" Leave her, poor dear," said Irene, and Curdie, knowing the way now, went without her.
He took his way first to the room the princess had spoken of, and there also were the remains of supper; but neither there nor in the kitchen could he find a scrap of plain wholesome-looking bread. So he returned and told her that as soon as it was light he would go into the city for some, and asked her for a handkerchief to tie it in. If he could not bring it himself, he would send it by Lina, who could keep out of sight better than he, and as
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