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106 The Princess and the Goblin
king laid his hand on his princess's head, held it back a little, gazed in her face, smiled half a smile, and sighed half a sigh.
" Come, my child; we'll have a walk in the garden together," he said.
" You won't come up and see my huge, great beautiful grandmother, then, king-papa?" said the princess.
" Not this time," said the king very gently. "She has not invited me, you know, and great old ladies like her do not choose to be visited without leave asked and given."
The garden was a very lovely place. Being upon a mountain side there were parts in it where the rocks came through in great masses, and all immediately about them remained quite wild. Tufts of heather grew upon them, and other hardy mountain plants and flowers, while near them would be lovely roses and lilies, and all pleasant garden flowers. This mingling of the wild mountain with the civilized garden was very quaint, and it was impossible for any number of gardeners to make such a garden look formal and stiff.
Against one of these rocks was a garden-seat, |