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150 The Princess and the Goblin
great open air high up? It was your lamp I saw—wasn't it?"
" Yes, my child; it was my lamp."
" Then how was it? I don't see a window all round."
" When I please, I can make the lamp shine through the walls—shine so strong that it melts them away from before the sight, and shows itself as you saw it. But, as I told you, it is not everybody can see it."
" How is it that I can then? I'm sure I don t know."
"It is a gift born with you. And one day I hope everybody will have it."
"But how do you make it shine through the walls?"
" Ah! that you would not understand if I were to try ever so much to make you—not yet—not yet. But," added the lady rising, "you must sit in my chair while I get you the present I have been preparing for you. I told you my spinning was for you. It is finished now, and I am going to fetch it. I have been keeping it warm under one of my brooding pigeons."
Irene sat down in the low chair, and her grand- |