The Princess and the Goblin - online book

A Children's Fantasy Book By George MacDonald - illustrated version.

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168 The Princess and the Goblin
flower-nests she knew, remembering each by it­self. She would go down on her hands and knees beside one and say "Good morning! Are you all smelling very sweet this morning? Good bye!" and then she would go to another nest, and say the same. It was a favourite amusement with her. There were many flowers up and down, and she loved them all, but the primroses were her favourites.
'i They're not too shy, and they're not a bit forward," she would say to Lootie.
There were goats too about, over the moun­tain, and when the little kids came, she was as pleased with them as with the flowers. The goats belonged to the miners mostly—a few of them to Curdie's mother; but there were a good many wild ones that seemed to belong to no­body. These the goblins counted theirs, and it was upon them partly that they lived. They set snares and dug pits for them; and did not scruple to take what tame ones happened to be caught; but they did not try to steal them in any other manner, because they were afraid of the dogs the hill-people kept to watch them, for the knowing dogs always tried to bite their
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