The Princess and the Goblin - online book

A Children's Fantasy Book By George MacDonald - illustrated version.

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CHAPTER XXVI The Goblin-Miners
T HAT same night several of the servants were having a chat together before going to bed. " What can that noise be?" said one of the housemaids, who had been listening for a moment or two.
" I've heard it the last two nights," said the cook. "If there were any about the place, I should have taken it for rats, but my Tom keeps them far enough."
"I've heard though," said the scullery-maid, "that rats move about in great companies some­times. There may be an army of them invading us. I've heard the noises yesterday and to-day too."
" It'll be grand fun then for my Tom and Mrs. Housekeeper's Bob," said the cook. "They'll be friends for once in their lives, and fight on
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