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M I don't want a governess," said Mary sharply.
" But mother says you ought to be learnin' your book by this time an' you ought to have a woman to look after you, an' she says: 'Now, Martha, you just think how you'd feel yourself, in a big place like that, wanderin' about all alone, an' no mother. You do your best to cheer her up,' she says, an' I said I would."
Mary gave her a long, steady look.
" You do cheer me up," she said. " I like to hear you talk."
Presently Martha went out of the room and came back with something held in her hands under her apron.
" What does tha' think," she said, with a cheerful grin. " I've brought thee a present."
"A present!" exclaimed Mistress Mary. How could a cottage full of fourteen hungry people give any one a present!
" A man was drivin' across the moor peddlin'," Martha explained. " An' he stopped his cart at our door. He had pots an' pans an' odds an' ends, but mother had no money to buy anythin'. Just as he was goin' away our 'Lizabeth Ellen called out, ' Mother, he's got skippin'-ropes with red an' blue handles.' An' mother she calls out quite sudden, ' Here, stop, mister! How much are they? ' An' he says ' Tuppence,' an' mother |