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and she went on skipping and counted as she skipped until she had reached a hundred.
" I could skip longer than that," she said when she stopped. " I've skipped as much as five hundred when I was twelve, but I wasn't as fat then as I am now, an' I was in practice."
Mary got up from her chair beginning to feel excited herself.
" It looks nice," she said. " Your mother is a kind woman. Do you think I could ever skip like that?"
" You just try it," urged Martha, handing her the skipping-rope. " You can't skip a hundred at first, but if you practise you'll mount up. That's what mother said. She says, ' Nothin' will do her more good than skippin' rope. It's th' sensiblest toy a child can have. Let her play out in th' fresh air skippin' an' it'll stretch her legs an' arms an' give her some strength in 'em.' "
It was plain that there was not a great deal of strength in Mistress Mary's arms and legs when she first began to skip. She was not very clever at it, but she liked it so much that she did not want to stop.
" Put on tha' things and run an' skip out o' doors," said Martha. " Mother said I must tell you to keep out o' doors as much as you could, even |