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strong as other fathers' sons. One of his darkest miseries in the unhealthy morbid past days had been his hatred of being a sickly weak-backed boy whose father was afraid to look at him.
" He'll be obliged to believe them," he said. " One of the things I am going to do, after the Magic works and before I begin to make scientific discoveries, is to be an athlete."
" We shall have thee takin' to boxin' in a week or so," said Ben WeatherstafL " Tha'lt end wi' winnin' th' Belt an' bein' champion prize-fighter of all England."
Colin fixed his eyes on him sternly.
" Weatherstaff," he said, " that is disrespectful. You must not take liberties because you are in the secret. However much the Magic works I shall not be a prize-fighter. I shall be a Scientific Discoverer."
" Ax pardon — ax pardon, sir," answered Ben, touching his forehead in salute. " I ought to have seed it wasn't a jokin' matter," but his eyes twinkled and secretly he was immensely pleased. He really did not mind being snubbed since the snubbing meant that the lad was gaining strength and spirit. |