The Secret Garden, complete online version

First edition illustrated Children's Book By Frances Hodgson Burnett

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"LET THEM LAUGH"           315
says she'll let him eat her share, but he says that if she goes hungry she'll get thin an' they mun both get fat at once."
Mrs. Sowerby laughed so heartily at the reve­lation of this difficulty, that she quite rocked back­ward and forward in her blue cloak, and Dickon laughed with her.
" I'll tell thee what, lad," Mrs. Sowerby said when she could speak. " I've thought of a way to help 'em. When tha' goes to 'em in th' morn-in's tha' shall take a pail o' good new milk an' I'll bake 'em a crusty cottage loaf or some buns wi' currants in 'em, same as you children like. Nothin's so good as fresh milk an' bread. Then they could take off th' edge o' their hunger while they were in their garden an' th' fine food they get indoors 'ud polish off th' corners."
" Eh! mother! " said Dickon admiringly, " what a wonder tha' art! Tha' always sees a way out o' things. They was quite in a pother yesterday. They didn't see how they was to manage without orderin' up more food — they felt that empty in­side."
" They're two young 'uns growin' fast, an' health's comin' back to both of 'em. Children like that feels like young wolves an' food's flesh an' blood to 'em," said Mrs. Sowerby. Then she smiled Dickon's own curving smile. uEh! but