Three Hundred Games & Pastimes - complete online book

A Book Of Suggestions For Children's Games And Employments.

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French and English.
Run across, Stagarino.
120              What Shall We Do Now?
For this game the ground must be divided by a path or line into two territories—French and English. At the further side of each territory a number of flags—handkerchiefs will do—must be placed at intervals. The players are then divided into the two nations, and the game consists in each side trying to get the flags from the other side, to guard its own, and to catch the enemy when he is off his own ground. Once a player sets foot upon the enemy's territory he must go on, but he cannot be caught if he has a flag in his hands. If he is caught he becomes a prisoner (as in Chevy), and is only released by being touched by one of his own party. A player cannot redeem a prisoner and take a flag at the same time. The game ends when all the flags of one side have been taken.
This is rather rough. A line is drawn at each end of the playing place and one player is told off to stand between these lines. The object of the others is to run across, from base to base, without being caught by him : being caught meaning not merely being touched, as in " He," but being really held and stopped. Each one that is caught has to stay in the middle to help catch the others, until no one is left to run across at all.
" Stagarino " is similar to " Run Across," except that all the players who are caught, and whose business it is to catch the others, join hands. Those that run across have therefore to avoid them or to try and break through the wall of arms.
This is a change from ordinary racing. The competitors, instead of running against each other, see which can cover the most distance in a hop, a step, and a jump, or, say, three hops, three steps, and three jumps. It needs an umpire to watch very carefully that the step begins exactly where the hop left off and the jump where the step finished.
This needs no explaining. It is nearly always good fun for a while, and particularly so if the leader has original ideas.
Hop, step, and jump.
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