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274              What Shall We Do Now?
Perennials from seed.
A list of perennials.
Care must be taken not to injure the roots when putting these in. The stalks can be tied with bass.
Perennials can be divided if they grow too large. With summer-flowering plants this should be done in October or November, and with spring-flowering plants in June. In dividing you simply dig up the plant and break off as much of it as you want, being careful not to injure the roots. As, however, there are many plants which, to be divided, must be cut, and as this is an operation which requires some skill and knowledge, it would per­haps be better to take advice.
Snapdragon, wallflower, pansies, and hollyhocks are very easily grown from seed. They can be sown in June (wallflowers are best sown in April) in boxes, and thinned out and transplanted to permanent places as soon as they are large enough. They will blossom the following year.
Seedlings of most perennials can be bought for a few pence a dozen. They should be planted as quickly as possible and watered well, and they will flower the following year.
The following list of hardy perennials is not in any way a complete one ; but it is large enough to give a choice of plants that will produce flowers continually from May until December :—
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