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Tom Sawyer Abroad 95
the camels and had the whole hundred. Then he was satisfied, and ever so grateful, and said he wouldn't ever forgit the dervish as long as he lived, and nobody hadn't been so good to him before, and liberal. So they shook hands good-bye, and separated and started off again.
But do you know, it warn't ten minutes till the camel-driver was unsatisfied again — he was the low-downest reptyle in seven counties — and he cornea-running again. And this time the thing he wanted was to get the dervish to rub some of the salve on his other eye.
" Why?" said the dervish.
" Oh, you know," says the driver.
" Know what?"
"Well, you can't fool me," says the driver. "You're trying to keep back something from me, you know it mighty well. You know, I reckon, that if I had the salve on the other eye I could see a lot more things that's valuable. Come—-please put it on."
The dervish says:
lt I wasn't keeping anything back from you. I don't mind telling you what would happen if I put it on. You'd never see again. You'd be stone-blind the rest of your days."
But do you know that beat wouldn't believe him. No, he begged and begged, and whined and cried, till at last the dervish opened his box and told him to put it on, if he wanted to. So the man done it, and sure enough he was as blind as a bat in a minute.
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